Permanent Residence Visa Specialists In Johannesburg | VFS | PM Immigration

Permanent Residence

PM Immigrations

Permanent Residence Visa Specialists In Johannesburg

General Work Visa Section 26(a)If the applicant is a holder of a general work visa for five years and has received an offer for permanent employment. Time spent on a corporate Work Visa will add to the 5-year requirement.

Spousal of General Work Visa Holder Section 26(b)

If the applicant is a spouse or in a life partner relationship of a citizen or permanent resident for five years and a good faith spousal relationship exists.

Dependent (<18) Section 26(c)

If the applicant is a child under the age of 21 of a citizen or permanent resident.

Dependent (>21) Section 26(d)

If the applicant is a child of a citizen, this is not age related.

Quota Section 27(a)

If the applicant has an old quota permit that is still valid you may apply for Permanent Residence immediately if all the conditions are in place but we recommend rather to apply for a Critical Skills Visa first, then apply for Permanent Residence under the Critical Skills category.

Critical Skills Section 27(b)

If the applicant is a holder of a Critical Skills Visa that falls within the Critical Skills List. In this category there is no waiting period you can apply as soon as you hold the visa.

Business Section 27(c)

If you are a holder of a Business Visa, you may apply for Permanent Residence if the Department of Trade and Industry recommends your application to The Department of Home Affairs. This we can apply for you on your behalf to give you the best possible outcome.

Refugee Section 27(d)

If the applicant is a refugee for five years and has received certification from the Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA) that he or she will remain a refugee indefinitely, then we can assist you to apply for Permanent Residence.

Retired Person Section 27(e)

If the applicant intends to retire in the Republic and has the right to a pension or an irrevocable annuity or retirement fund of R37 000,00 per month for the rest of his or her life. In this category there is no waiting period you can apply as soon as you hold the visa.

Financially independent Section 27(f)

If the applicant has a minimum net worth (R12 Million) and this can be proven then we can apply for Permanent Residence. The Department of Home Affairs will require a payment of R120 000.00 when the application has been approved. In this category there is no waiting period you can apply as soon as you hold the visa.

Relative bases Section 27(g)

If the applicant is a relative of a citizen or permanent resident within the first step of kinship. Please note, only Parent to Child and Child to Parent is possible if the Child is older than 18 years, and can take care of the Parent Financially. In this category there is no waiting period you can apply as soon as you hold the visa.